Quality certificates

The EPD® Certification™
Environmental Product Declaration
The EPD® (Environmental Product Declaration) certification for all COMPAC® materials establishes the environmental impact of a material during its life cycle, from the raw material extraction process, transport to the manufacturing plant and the product manufacturing process.

Cradle to Cradle™
Safer and more sustainable products for the circular economy
C2C (Cradle to Cradle) is an international accreditation that assesses products and their manufacturing process to ensure they fulfil the premises of the circular economy. It also assures that materials and products are safe, circular and environmentally esponsible.

LEED®: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
Is committed to a prosperous and sustainable future through cost-efficient and energy-saving green buildings.
El U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is transforming the way we desing ,build, maintain and operate our buildings home and communities. USGBC is committed to a prosperous and sustainable future through cost-efficient and energy-saving green buildings.
Comply with indoor air quality standards covering volatile organic compounds (COVs)
Greenguard mark This certificate issued by the Greenguard Environmental Institute guarantees that COMPAC products comply with indoor air quality standards covering volatile organic compounds (COVs). The seals granted are Greenguard Indoor Air Quality Certified and The Greenguard Children & Schools Certified , with the later being one of strictest standards in the industry.
NSF. National Health and Safety Foundation.
Safe and hygienic materials for use in direct contact with food and foodstuffs of all Kinds
NSF Certification , From a recognized non-profit organization in The United States certifying public health, safety and environmental standards, means the COMPAC products are safe and hygienic materials for use in direct contact with food and foodstuffs of all Kinds.
Contact with Food Certificate
COMPAC TECHNOLOGICAL QUARTZ products comply with European Regulation CE 1935/2004 for objects intented for contact with food.

Fire resistance classes
Certificate for the quartz products range referring to building and construction products according to fire resistance classes, as tested by AFITILICOF Centre of Fire Testing and Research (Associantion for the Promotion of Research and Fire Safety Technology) pursuant to IMO Resolution a.653 según IMO FTPC Code Resolution MSC 61 (67).
Certificate for the marble products range (floors) referring to building and construction products according to fire resistance classes, as tested by the CTF (Fire Technology Institute AIDICO, Spain) pursuant to the standards UNE-EN 13501-1:07

This management system is applicable to the desing, manufacture and marketing of agglomerated stone products.
Bureau Veritas certification certifies that the quality management system at COMPAC has been audited and found to be in conformity with the requeriments of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. This management system is applicable to the desing, manufacture and marketing of agglomerated stone products.
EC mark
The EC declaration means that this product being sold complies with the regulatory requirements of approved standards or technical specifications according to the application and foreseen use of the product, pursuant to “Construction Products Directive” (89/106/EEC).

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